Why schools share our events

How schools share our events

All our webinars are run by teachers with over 15 years experience.

It's a great way of ensuring that your parents understand what to expect and how they can support their child, without adding to anyone's workload - all you have to do is send out the details.

It's easy for parents to attend.  No travel plans needed, just internet access on a phone / tablet or computer. 

There's usually a short-term replay available for those who can't attend live, so they can watch when it's convenient.

We email events out to schools a couple of weeks ahead of time, complete with a template email you can use to share the event easily with your parents.  

Free events?  What's the catch?

Mostly, it's a great way for us to let parents know we exist! 

After the webinar, we will usually take 2-3 minutes to highlight a product of ours that parents might find helpful.  There's no hard sell (we're teachers, not salesmen!), it just helps us cover our costs. 

We'll then stick around as long as needed to answer questions parents have asked during the webinar.

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